I got gas today and paid $3.07 a gallon to fill up my Honda Civic. I’ve been noting the gas prices as they have risen in the last few weeks. I think many people are feeling the effects of the price increase, especially those who are on tight budgets.
It’s funny. I can remember thinking one day that high gas prices might make people reconsider the types of vehicle purchases that they make. That when I see people driving by in giant SUVs and Hummers while I ride my bike to campus, I can say to myself, “Have fun filling that tank up!!”
The problem is that the people who suffer the most when gas prices get this high are the poor. To people who drive these mammoth vehicles, the rise in gas prices is more of a nuisance than anything. Many people can’t afford to buy a car that gets better gas mileage in the first place and their current vehicle is too old. Not much you can do.
That makes the debate difficult for me. High gas prices mean people buy smaller cars. But inside that argument is the assumption that people can afford to buy cars in the first place. But then if prices are low, people who buy excessive SUVs feel justified…
I think I'll take the bus.
I agree. The prices are terrible. Here is Colorado Springs the prices for the lowest grade was $2.76 yesterday.
The problem in our country is that we make SUV's a status symbol and at the same time make them out to be a necessity for child rearing. This belief has become ingrained in many people's heads. It's an irresponsible economic and environmental choice and is not necessary for raising children - yet advertising and media has made us believe otherwise. I think that once people are able to afford ridiculous things they hold onto it. It's actually a status symbol to be wasteful.
High gas prices means people ought to buy smaller cars - not that they will. Higher gas prices also means the government ought to structure cities with public transpotation - doesn't mean they will. Low gas prices means SUV owners feel justified - well maybe - but I think that whether gas is low or high SUV owners will feel justified in that they have a 'safe' car and that they have a fancy car which means they have "arrived".
- Gina
I paid $3.19 at the cheapest station on the peninsula. That is robbery. It has stopped me on my twice a month trips to Chico though.
Agreed. Prices have become extreme.
The public transportation comment that Gina left is interesting. I'm a big fan of the bus, and it's really convenient for me. However, some busses don't go far enough or will tack on an extra 30-60 minutes to your daily commute. It's tough. I'm lucky enough, at this point in time, to not have children or other complications of life.
The other problem with public transportation is that oil and car companies have fought tooth and nail in the last 50 years to stop the production of public transportation so more people will buy cars. So, this country has a basic lack of infrastructure. Compare that to places like Japan, where the bullet trains can get you all over the country. It amazes me that something similar doesn't exist in California going from SF to LA.
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